Expand The Preservation Of Open Space To Maintain The Character Of Our Town
- Preserved 300+ acres of land through open space acquisition and planning zoning actions, 75 acres last two years.
- Reestablished farming on the Grosky open space property, bringing goats to the farm the community can enjoy.
- Partnered with Plainville and agreed on a 50-acre open space land preservation grant that will protect property adjacent to Crescent Lake.
- Established a list of strategic parcel acquisition, targets for focus discussions with landowners.
- Repaired barns on strategic properties to preserve their life.
- Installed solar panels on roof at LEAF barn at no cost the taxpayers.
- Worked with LEAF staff to secure a grant for topsoil that created new farming plot to support the Southington CSA program.
- Mentored Eagle Scout to Support replacement of new fence at Pleasant Street open space.
- Installed water at Pleasant Street open space and established a community garden policy for the parcel beginning in 2024 grow season.
- Partnered with volunteer groups to create digital maps of trails on our open space parcels.
- Held a community wide open, space scavenger hunt, giving away more than 100 decorative glass fish floats.
- Worked with PZC and Barnes curator to hold a community-wide tour of historic sites in town and submit for formal designation of Curtiss family property to be part of Freedom Trail.